
Its unique position lateral to the bike means that children are kept in a safe position. Even if you need to go on the road when cycle lanes are missing, the children can be positioned next to the sidewalk or behind the bike. There’s no need to worry about visibility when using a SideBuddy at night because it comes with several options to make it extra safe.








When we were filming promotional videos for the SideBuddy one thing was clear: kids love this thing! Those aren’t fake smiles in the photos… we literally couldn’t pry them out of the cargo trailer. When it was time to end filming we would often hear, “one more time!” We asked them what their favorite thing about the SideBuddy was and here were their answers:
“I like being beside my Mom instead of behind her.”
“It feels like I’m riding in a car without a roof.”
“SideBuddy is really fun!”